Each participant picked noteworthy places in their area and shared whether they thought of them as safe or unsafe. Click each photo to get a closer look.
Spaces noted as positive

Participant 9: Favorite place to go with family • "My favorite place to go with my family in Sierra Vista. It has a lot of fun activities, a shopping center, and restaurants. Every time I go I have a great time. " (Pictured: Sierra Vista, Clovis, CA)

Participant 10: A place where I relax alone • "A place where I relax alone is my house. It is one of the safest places to be and where I feel quiet and take peaceful time off. " (Pictured: a house in Fresno, CA)

Participant 10: My favorite place • "My Favorite Place is Fashion Fair Mall because there is a lot to do. It is filled with stores, a food court, and my favorite thing is going to the shoe stores." (Pictured: Fashion Fair Mall, Fresno, CA)

Participant 10: My favorite place to go with family • "My favorite place to go with my family is River Park. It’s an outdoor mall that has stores, a movie theater, and restaurants. When I go with my family we usually go walk and look around." (Pictured: River Park, Fresno, CA)

Participant 11: A place where I relax alone • "A Place where I go relax alone is Millerton Lake. It is a way I connect with nature because it is surrounded by mountains and the water is nice and clean. I enjoying going swimming and seeing the sunset. It is beautiful and cleaned up " (Pictured: Millerton Lake, Friant, CA)

Participant 11: My favorite place and my favorite place to go with family • "My favorite place and place to go with my family is Woodward Park. It is one of the best relaxing and beautiful parks here in Fresno. There are ducks, nice trees, a dog park, shade, and benches. I enjoy watching the sunset." (Pictured: Woodward Park, Fresno, CA)

Participant 9: Favorite place • "Woodward Park is my favorite place to visit because it is very peaceful. It’s a wonderful way to connect with nature." (Pictured: Woodward Park, Fresno, CA)

Participant 9: Where I relax alone • "A place where I feel relaxed alone is a church. I go to connect with God and find peace within myself. " (Pictured: a church in Fresno, CA)

Spaces noted as negative
![Participant 9: A place where I feel unsafe • "A place where I feel unsafe is downtown Fresno. There are a lot of homeless people... [and] drugs. I hardly go over there for that reason because if they see someone walking alone sometimes they tell you](
Participant 9: A place where I feel unsafe • "A place where I feel unsafe is downtown Fresno. There are a lot of homeless people... [and] drugs. I hardly go over there for that reason because if they see someone walking alone sometimes they tell you things." (Pictured: Downtown Fresno, CA)
Participant 10: A place where I feel unsafe • "A Place where I feel Unsafe is Downtown Fresno. I feel unsafe going because it became a very lonely area and I do not feel safe being in a lonely area" (Pictured: Downtown Fresno, CA)

Participant 10: A place I dislike • "A Place I dislike is the East Side of Fresno. There is too much shooting. A lot of innocent people have died from the shootings. It is very active with gang members. I felt very scared when I had to canvass this area." (Pictured: East Side of Fresno, CA)
![Participant 11: A place I dislike • "I cannot think of a certain place I dislike. But...[I do dislike] dirty palm trees because they could be dangerous...The west, south, and east side of Fresno are the ones that have these palm trees."
(Pictured: E](
Participant 11: A place I dislike • "I cannot think of a certain place I dislike. But...[I do dislike] dirty palm trees because they could be dangerous...The west, south, and east side of Fresno are the ones that have these palm trees." (Pictured: East Fresno, CA)

Participant 11: A place where I feel unsafe • "There are a few areas where I feel unsafe in Fresno especially during the night. The south, west, and east side of Fresno. There have been a lot of shootings around the community and violence. " (Pictured: South Fresno, CA)

Participant 9: A place I dislike • "A place I dislike in Fresno is the West Side. There is a lot of gang violence and shootings. It is always very lonely and not too much patroling. There is also a lot of aggressive street dogs. I do not like to go to that side because I feel unsafe." (Pictured: West Side Fresno, CA)

Participant 9: A place I dislike • "A place I dislike in Fresno is the West Side. There is a lot of gang violence and shootings. It is always very lonely and not too much patroling. There is also a lot of aggressive street dogs. I do not like to go to that side because I feel unsafe." (Pictured: West Side Fresno, CA)